Supplements are a product you can purchase over the counter that are in pill form or in the form of teas or powders. Supplements are typically vitamins that our body already creates or will create. It is a good idea for men to supplement regularly when they aren’t getting enough vitamins and nutrients from their diets, or want to add more vitamins to their bodies for various reasons.
Among the best supplements men should take are supplements that will help to enhance their bodily functions, improve their brain and heart systems, and make them stronger. The best supplements for men will also help to improve memory and neurological function, and even help them to gain weight. There are many benefits to supplements for men.
If you are considering the addition of a supplement regime to your life and diet, consider these six supplements as among the best supplements for men to start with.
Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin because we obtain nutrients from the sun that are converted into vitamin D. Our bodies do produce vitamin D naturally, but many men do not spend enough time outside to get the vitamin D amounts that they need. Vitamin D is a critical nutrient that works in concert with calcium to improve immune functionality, overall bone health, and even the production of testosterone. Vitamin D can also help to maintain appropriate levels of other nutrients in the body, such as magnesium, zinc, and calcium.
While Vitamin C has a good reputation for immune function support, Vitamin D plays an integral role here for men. It also helps with the absorption of calcium. This happens in the intestine. When supplements are consumed with food, Vitamin D that is already in the body can help to increase calcium absorption levels.
With appropriate levels of Vitamin D, your immune system will be supported and you will experience reduced inflammation in every muscular system. Vitamin D helps with immune system support by helping with new cellular growth, and it also helps to optimize your blood metabolism. Muscle development occurs with vitamin D, and it will help you to regenerate new cells that can help to keep your muscles healthy. In one study, Vitamin D helped athletes to experience less muscle damage during their sports.
Vitamin D can also help with the production of testosterone, and maintain appropriate testosterone levels in the body. It is especially helpful when it comes to male fertility. In some men, one study found that increasing Vitamin D supplements helped increase levels of testosterone significantly. It can also help men to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.
It is recommended that men between the ages of 20 and 75 consume 600 IUs of vitamin D daily. That number can go up to 800 IUs for older men. Vitamin D can be very easy to add to the diet naturally with fish like tuna, swordfish, salmon, sardines, and beef liver. You can also add Vitamin D to the list of supplements men should take if you do not have these foods in your daily diet.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Heart and Brain Health
Omega-3 fatty acids are infamous vitamins that support both brain and heart health. These are fatty acids that can help to reduce levels of inflammation already in the body. Two of these fatty acids are known as eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid which help with heart function, brain function, and overall joint health. These fatty acids are also known to help with the development of a healthy metabolism.
The brain itself is an organ that is at least 60 percent fat, and omega-3 fatty acids for men can be found in the brain. You need omega-3s to function healthily and have good cognitive functioning throughout your day. These omega-3s perform the same functions with the heart. When you have a constant supply of omega-3s in your body, your heart and your brain can work together cohesively and successfully.
Omega-3 fatty acids are also among the best supplements for men because they can help to maintain fertility and testosterone levels. These acids are already found in a man’s sexual organs and enhance sperm motility and mobility. Healthy sperm that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can break through the wall of an ovum or egg from a woman. Many infertility studies have found lower levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the body of men trying to conceive with their partners.
Omega-3s will also help to reduce the risk of heart disease which is a leading cause of death in North America. It is estimated that approximately one-half million people die annually from this disease. For men, that is approximately one in four men with heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids can help here and are among the supplements that men should take.
Men between the ages of 20 and 75 should consume as much as 1.6 g of omega-3s daily. You can get this in a variety of foods. Foods with seeds such as flaxseed and chia seeds are rich in this vitamin. You can also find it in walnuts, salmon, herring, sardines, canola oils, and several soybean products.
Magnesium: Supporting Muscle and Nerve Function
Magnesium is an important vitamin for men as it is one of the most abundant nutrients in the body. It is responsible for helping to perform hundreds of reactions that keep men healthy and active. For men, magnesium is useful for muscle growth and development, nerves, and with overall energy production. It also plays a critical role in the regulation of blood pressure and other cardiac functions.
Healthy magnesium in men will also contribute to healthy levels of free testosterone, which for men, comprises as much as four percent of the human body’s testosterone levels. One study showed that men who consumed magnesium supplements for one month saw a rise in both free and total levels of testosterone. This was the case in men who led active lifestyles and were sedentary.
Muscle growth and stimulation are other important jobs of magnesium. Magnesium is a building block for stronger bones, and it helps to support bone health. More magnesium in the body will also help men to sleep better because your neurological function is better overall. Magnesium helps to enrich the transport of information between nerve cells and improves cognitive function overall.
Men between 14 and 18 years of age should consume at least 410 mg of magnesium daily. Men between 19 and 30 should consume at least 400, a number smaller because testosterone levels are increasing naturally at this stage in life. Men over the age of 31 need at least 420 mg of magnesium daily.
The most common food sources for magnesium include nuts and green leafy vegetables such as spinach. You can also find magnesium in foods such as beans and whole-grain cereal products. Additionally, you can add magnesium as one of the top supplements for men to your regime. Because the body uses it so quickly, this is not a vitamin that is toxic and is healthy in a wide range of forms and supplements.

Zinc: Boosting Immune Function and Testosterone
Zinc is another famous vitamin for men and is always listed on the list of supplements men should take. Zinc helps with overall immune function but also helps to boost testosterone levels. This mineral must be consumed by foods, and it is very easy to find food sources high in zinc.
Men should consume as much as 11 milligrams of zinc daily, to maintain healthy levels. It helps with cell division and also in the support of immune function. When we are sick, we lose cells or cells become sicker. Zinc helps our bodies regenerate healthy cellular activity to replace sick cells with healthy cells so that we feel better faster.
It is a significant vitamin when it comes to healing the body. It is integral as well in promoting healthy testosterone levels. There is a wide body of data to support the notion that more zinc in the male body will result in increased testosterone levels. Zinc can be consumed in a variety of food sources with the highest sources being meats like beef, poultry products, and pork products.
Vitamin B12: Energy and Nervous System Health
Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for a wide range of functions. It is among the supplements men should take because it contributes to healthy energy levels and good nervous system health. It is incredibly important when it comes to metabolism levels and nerve function. As the body ages, it becomes more difficult to metabolize certain things from food sources, and Vitamin B12 is one of them.
This makes Vitamin B12 a very popular item on the best supplements for men list. This vitamin is used to convert proteins into chemicals that the body uses to generate DNA. This will help in both your energy levels and your nervous system function. When your body is healthily producing DNA, you reduce your risk of illnesses such as cancer and other health issues.
Vitamin B12 can also help with nerve issues that are related to memory, vision loss, and the feeling of pins and needles in your extremities. This vitamin helps your nerves to metabolize energy successfully, and can also help to regenerate nerves when the conditions are optimal. Vitamin B12 will help to create more cells outside of the nervous system, which will help with your energy levels overall.
You can find Vitamin B12 in fish and seafood items, and eggs and dairy items are also high in this vitamin. High quantities of Vitamin B12 can also be found in tuna, breakfast cereals, and meats like turkey and pork. You want to consume as much as 2.4 mcg daily of Vitamin B12 from your diet, but this is a very easy vitamin to supplement as well.
Creatine: Muscle Strength and Exercise Performance
Creatine is a natural substance that the body produces in most organs, including the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. This is a high protein substance that includes amino acids of arginine, glycine, and methionine that help your body to build on protein building blocks.
Men who take creatine to supplement are typically trying to gain muscle strength and improve exercise performance. That is because this supplement is designed to do just that, and helps to make muscles bigger and stronger, which will result in better athletic performance.
Most men will make as much as 2 grams daily of creatine, and this will help them with muscle building and energy building. Still, you want to get as much as up to 5 g of creatine daily if bigger muscles and increased weight are your goal. You can find creatine in the highest quantities in the body in the bones. Men can consume it from their diets in high protein sourced foods like beef and soy products.
There are some side effects of creatine that you need to be aware of. Too much can interfere with your energy levels and performance. Too much creatine will result in cramps and nausea, and you may also experience diarrhea. Drink a lot of water when you are supplementing with creatine to keep your energy levels optimized.
Supplement Today
These are the best supplements for men and the best supplements men should take when you are looking to add vitamins to your diet. All of these vitamins are good to add to your diet every day. That is because they work. These vitamins help with brain function, muscle function, neurological function, and immune support, and can help with testosterone levels and overall healthy living. When you want to add to your wellness routine, begin with these supplements today.