Experts Weigh in on Diet Tips to Reduce Inflammation

An anti-inflammatory diet at first glance might sound like the sort of regime that would take military precision and planning to get right – only to provide you with a list of foods you’re possibly not overly enamored with eating. You might stick with it for a few days at best before reverting to your old ways. 

It’s time to think again!  Why? Well, an anti-inflammatory diet is more of a guideline and way of eating, rather than a strict weight loss plan, therefore it’s much easier to implement, stick to, and see results from. It’s not designed to help you lose lots of weight (though there are lots of benefits if you do need to use a calorie-controlled approach to eating). 

If you’re really not sure or feel like you could do with some advice on where to start and what to do, then help is at hand. We’ve put together some expert hints and tips to keep you informed. Read on to see our experts weigh in on diet tips to reduce inflammation. 

Why might you want to make dietary changes?

There are many reasons to consider an anti-inflammatory diet for health. For some people, it’s just a way of life – a pleasant way to get more fruits, veggies, and good stuff into them without relying on too many UPFs (Ultra Processed Foods) which are currently gaining a lot of attention from Doctors and Nutritionists. 

UPFs are basically any foodstuffs that are pre-packaged, manufactured, and will often contain high amounts of fat, salt, sugar, and ingredients called emulsifiers. 

If you check the ingredient labels on any of the pre-prepared foods you buy, you might see them listed. While they’re not bad for you in small amounts, diets based entirely on these foods can be detrimental to your health long term. 

Not sure what to avoid? Here are the foods you should consume less of or not at all:

  • processed foods (ready meals)
  • foods with added salt (think about potato chips)
  • palm oils and saturated fats
  • processed carbs, such as white bread, white pasta, and baked goods
  • cookies, candy, ice cream
  • excess alcohol

When thinking about making dietary changes and particularly moving towards an anti-inflammatory diet, it is worth considering whether you have any of the following conditions as these all involve inflammation:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Psoriasis
  • Asthma
  • Esophagitis
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Colitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease 
  • Lupus
  • Hashimoto’s Disease
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Obese or overweight
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular Disease

These long-term conditions can be managed better by taking an approach to eating that cuts out as much processed food as possible and relies on fruits, veggies, and good quality sources of protein.

An anti-inflammatory diet should include foods that are nutrient-dense, high in antioxidants, and contain healthy fats (such as omega-3s). Think about the following foods from this list and include them where you can. 

  • oily fish, like tuna, salmon, mackerel and herrings
  • antioxidant-rich fruits, such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries
  • veggies like kale, spinach, and broccoli
  • beans and pulses
  • nuts and seeds
  • dark chocolate (at least 75% cocoa solids) 
  • olives and olive oil

It’s a good idea to up the amount of foods you eat from this list – aim for three portions of oily fish a week (tinned and frozen count) and servings of the fruits and vegetables listed once or twice a day. It doesn’t need to be hard work. 

Consider scattering a handful of blueberries or blackberries onto your morning porridge – alongside a spoonful of flax or chia seeds. Or serving a healthy stir fry based on the green veg we’ve suggested to go with a piece of lean grilled chicken or fish.

Snacks can include a handful of almonds and a couple of squares of really good quality dark chocolate, or some olives with a small glass of red wine. 

Plan meals that include healthy beans and pulses to bulk them out – think about hearty lentil soups or bean stews and chillis. 

Let’s hear from the experts now and see what they say about approaches to an anti-inflammatory diet. 

What is an anti-inflammatory diet?

“Following an anti-inflammatory eating plan may help manage symptoms by reducing the effects of inflammation. The ‘diet’ advises the restriction of certain foods while encouraging others, and may recommend eating at specific times to influence the inflammatory process.

An anti-inflammatory diet focuses on foods that are rich in healthy fats, lean proteins and plant compounds – so whole plant-based foods and oily fish are key. The diet also aims to stabilise blood sugar, and by so doing regulate insulin response. This is important because insulin may influence the control mechanisms that manage the inflammatory process.”

Kerry Torrens, Nutritionist writing for BBC Good Food

Why do we need to control inflammation? 

“Inflammation is part of your body’s natural defenses—when a cut swells up and turns red, that’s inflammation at work healing you. But when inflammation becomes chronic, sparked by factors like poor diet and smoking, it can cause a host of health problems including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, arthritis (including psoriatic arthritis), cancer and even depression.”

Christine Yu writing for Eating Well

Which foods and beverages are considered to be inflammatory? 

“Avoid inflammatory foods. Tolbert recommends decreasing your intake of sugar (often found in desserts, candy, baked goods, soda, fruit juice and even ketchup and pasta sauce), refined carbohydrates (like white pasta, bread and rice), fried foods, red and processed meat (like beef, pork, lamb, bacon, sausage and salami), dairy and processed foods (like chips, crackers and freezer meals).”

Corey Tolbert, RD, LD, licensed and registered dietitian at Piedmont,

How can integrative medicine help patients heal from inflammatory conditions?

“Integrative medicine uses a holistic approach to address inflammatory conditions by combining conventional and complementary therapies. Integrative practitioners work to identify and address the root causes of inflammation –factors such as diet, lifestyle, stress, and environmental triggers. Integrative medicine utilizes evidence-based practices like acupuncture, herbal remedies, and mind-body techniques to develop personalized treatment plans.

By fostering a partnership between patient and practitioner, this approach encourages sustainable lifestyle changes, empowering individuals to actively participate in their healing journey and achieve long-term relief from inflammatory conditions and promote overall wellness.”

Courtesy of Dr. Anastasia Stocker, ND, LAc. Aria Integrative Medicine

What are some great examples of foods that help heal inflammation?

“Some of the most powerful ways to lower inflammation are not found at the pharmacy, but found at the grocery store. My favorite foods that can lower inflammation include:

Fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchee, sauerkraut, fermented vegetables.  They can certainly improve your microbiome diversity and the gut’s immune system.

Essential fats: Eat oily fish that contain Omega3 essential fatty acids EPA and DHA.  Essential indicates that you can’t make them internally, but must provide them from your diet.  The research indicates that not only do they lower inflammation, but they also have a strong influence on the intestinal microbiota as well as provide protection for cell membranes. A 3- 6 oz. serving twice a week of salmon, tuna (check for the sources that have lower levels of mercury), cod, or sardines is recommended. 

Omega 9 essential fats such as olive and avocado oils.

Omega 6: Nuts, seeds, nut butter, and seed butter: walnuts, almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts, and more. 

Eat more Omega 3’s than Omega 6 fatty acids.

Fruit: Berries, citrus fruits, and pomegranates are among my favorite to quench free radicals and they are well stocked with Vitamin A, carotenoids, Vitamin C, potassium, bioflavonoids, anthocyanins, and more.  They are lower in sugar and high in fiber as well.

Green leafy and cruciferous vegetables:  They are high in fiber, folate, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, sodium, and potassium as well as lutein for the eyes. Broccoli contains sulforaphane which has been studied to lower cancer risk.

Spices:  Turmeric is well known to lower inflammation. But, other spices such as rosemary, ginger, oregano, cinnamon and garlic have been studied to lower inflammation as well. Add spices to your foods and you will enjoy them even more!

Organic and pasture-raised meat: Meat is often given a bad rap! Meat is high in essential proteins, iron, B12, B vitamins, zinc, selenium. Meat raised in their natural habitat is lower in saturated fat. Essential proteins need to be provided in the diet for growth and development, muscle and bone health and immune system function. Grass-fed beef is a significant source of natural and bioavailable iron.”

Courtesy of Linda Clark, MA, CNC  Universal Wellness Associates

A couple of examples of how good nutrition can help lower inflammation?

“Great dietary choices are key to reducing inflammation in the body. To start, I would recommend reducing your intake of ultra-processed foods.  Sodas, for example, are full of many added sugars. Our bodies can not process these added sugars well so store those extra sugars as triglycerides and fat in the liver. If you are consuming excessive amounts of juices and sodas, you may develop Non-alcoholic fatty liver and increase your cardiovascular disease risk. These would also contribute to metabolic syndrome – a pro-inflammatory state that increases your risk for diabetes too! 

If we are eliminating processed foods like sodas and juices, in place of them, choosing water is excellent to reduce inflammation. We eliminate toxins much more effectively when properly hydrated. 

Additionally, if we fill our diet with unprocessed foods, you’ll see even more reduction in your inflammation. For example, dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables reduce the inflammatory cytokines in the body. Adding more plant-based sources of protein in place of processed meats is another excellent way to add fiber in your diet and reduce inflammation further.”

Tanya B Freirich, MS, RD, CDN, CDCES Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist The Lupus Dietitian

What 3 tips can you offer to reduce anti-inflammatory responses in the body?

“The number one dietary tip is to lose excess body fat by calorie reduction.  Reducing calorie intake activates AMPK (the master regulator of metabolism) in every cell reduces insulin resistance which slows pro-inflammatory gene transcription factors such as NF-κB that reduce the production of inflammatory mediators.  

The second dietary tip is to take adequate levels of omega-3 fatty acids (such as EPA and DHA) that are the building blocks for powerful anti-inflammatory hormones (i.e., resolvins) that reduce inflammation 

The third dietary tip is to increase the intake of polyphenols that also activate AMPK.  Berries are a good choice.

Finally, lifestyle factors such as exercise and stress reduction also activate AMPK and thus reduce insulin resistance.  However, these lifestyle interventions will not be as effective as the combination of the three dietary steps listed above.”

Dr. Barry Sears PhD President of the Inflammation Research Foundation, author of The Zone book series and creator of The Zone Diet and Zone Living

What kinds of impacts can inflammation have on your overall health?

“Inflammation matters for three reasons: it causes frustrating symptoms, it can exacerbate current inflammatory conditions, and it can cause chronic disease.

If you have chronic inflammation, you may feel tired and fatigued all the time, or may have unexplained and chronic brain fog.  You may also have digestive issues like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation, because leaky gut is an inflammatory condition that causes all of these symptoms.  You may experience puffiness in your face, hands, or feet, may get an unexplained rash, may be carrying extra fat around your belly.  While all of these symptoms could be caused by other things, too, they can be telltale signs of inflammation, and no one wants to deal with them!

Inflammation from food and lifestyle can also make many inflammation-based conditions worse.  Inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis happen when inflammation is heightened, which damages the intestine lining and lets things into the bloodstream that should be kept in the intestines. 

This leads to more inflammation, and a vicious cycle (often called a “flare”) starts.  Autoimmune conditions (like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, type 1 diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and multiple sclerosis) are all linked to inflammation in some way, and increasing inflammation through food and lifestyle usually makes symptoms of these conditions worse.  Even migraines are linked to higher levels of chronic inflammation.

Finally, a build-up of chronic inflammation over time has been linked to some significant chronic diseases.  Although this should be obvious, I want to make it abundantly clear that one Twinkie or one McDonald’s Big Mac will not lead to these chronic conditions.  But buildup of inflammation over time in bodies that are not adept at clearing inflammation is thought to contribute to causing these diseases. Chronic disease is directly linked to atherosclerosis and heart disease, Alzheimer’s, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer.” Courtesy of

Megan Lyons Head Health & Happiness Honcho, The Lyons’ Share Wellness

What exercises are most beneficial for reducing inflammatory conditions?

It’s well known that regular exercise can positively affect inflammatory conditions by promoting overall health and reducing inflammation. It’s important to know that the specific exercises that may be most beneficial can depend on the type and severity of the inflammatory condition. I like to consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new exercise program, especially if a person has a pre-existing medical condition that I should know about. Here are some general types of exercises that are often considered beneficial for reducing inflammation:

1. Aerobic Exercise (Cardio): Walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, and dancing can improve cardiovascular health and help reduce inflammation. You should aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week as long as you don’t have any discomfort or pain while doing that….considering that your joints are in good shape to do that way cardiovascular exercise.

2. Strength Training (Resistance Exercise): Building muscle through resistance exercises can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. I like to include weight training, bodyweight exercises, or resistance band exercise routines, which depend on a person’s ability to do any of those.

3. Flexibility and Stretching: Incorporating stretching exercises and activities can enhance flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and alleviate inflammation.

4. Mind-Body Exercises: I like to use balance, meditation, and breathing after the workout, which also has been associated with reduced inflammation and improved overall well-being.

5. Low-Impact Activities: I like to send individuals with joint issues to low-impact activities such as swimming or water aerobics, which can be gentler on the joints while providing cardiovascular benefits.

Customizing an exercise routine is crucial based on individual needs and limitations. In some cases, inflammation might be worsened by certain types of exercise or overtraining. Always listen to your body; if you experience increased pain or discomfort, consult your healthcare provider. In addition to exercise, adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods, proper hydration, and adequate sleep can contribute to managing inflammation. Sometimes, less is more. In the end, just resting your body will help reduce inflammation.

Rochester School of Fitness

What two tips can you offer to help reduce inflammation as a personal trainer?

“The best tools for reducing inflammation from the point of view of a personal trainer is icing and an anti-inflammatory diet.

Icing the worked muscles of the day or better yet involved joints and tendons will help reduce or avoid pain in the joints / tendons.

An anti-inflammatory diet is a diet consisting of natural foods in their most whole form while avoiding many made foods such as bread, pasta, other refined wheat products as well as anything containing added sugars, preservatives, etc.  an anti-inflammatory diet can lead to fat loss, reduced pain, better gut function and better sleep as well as a wide range of health benefits.”

Jason Kozma, Personal Trainer in Santa Monica:

How can integrative medicine help those with inflammatory conditions?

“Integrative medicine helps those with inflammatory conditions by considering options for care that address the underlying causes of inflammation, like chronic stress, exposure to things in the environment, nutritional insufficiencies.  Inflammatory conditions are often caused by a cup that is overflowing: with stress, toxic environments, too much doing and not enough rest, poor diet, etc.  Integrative medical providers provide practical solutions and coaching to empower a person to gracefully empty their cups.”

Megan Weigel, DNP, ARNP-cAdvanced Practice Holistic Nurse, Board Certified, Multiple Sclerosis Certified Nurse

Could you tell us how fasting can help with healing inflammatory conditions?

Fasting has long been explored as a potential strategy to aid in the healing of inflammatory conditions by influencing various physiological processes. During fasting, the body undergoes metabolic changes that may contribute to reduced inflammation.

One mechanism involves a decrease in the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are signaling molecules associated with inflammatory responses. Additionally, prolonged water fasting may promote autophagy, a cellular recycling process that removes damaged components and can have anti-inflammatory effects.

Moreover, fasting may help regulate the balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory pathways, potentially promoting a more favorable inflammatory profile. 

In fact, fasting-mimicking diets (FMD) such as Prolon, are comprised of nourishing, plant-based ingredients that are backed by science, including soups, bars and snacks to actively support the body’s natural process of cellular cleanup. This nutritional approach is designed to mimic the physiological effects of fasting while still allowing the consumption of a limited number of calories. 

Here are some ways in which an FMD may help manage inflammatory conditions:

Caloric restriction has been associated with decreased inflammation, as it may reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules and modulate immune responses.

Fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) encourages the body to shift from a state of glucose metabolism to ketone production. This metabolic switch may have anti-inflammatory effects, as ketones are believed to influence signaling pathways related to inflammation, most especially in relation to neuro-inflammatory conditions and cognitive decline

Fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) may provide cellular protection through mechanisms like increased stress resistance. This protection can help mitigate inflammation associated with oxidative stress and other cellular damage.

From Melanie Richter, MS, RDN and Communications Lead & Medical Science Educator for Prolon,”

Can inflammation cause depression?

“Neuroinflammation is common in part because of our diet and lifestyle choices in the US. Each part of the body has limited ways to signal that something is wrong, and one of those ways for the brain is depression. Studies show that the neurotransmitter glutamate controls aspects of inflammation in the brain.

This doesn’t mean that every depressed patient needs ketamine infusions like we provide at Ascend Health Center. The first step to decrease inflammation and start to feel better is to create space to relax.

When the body is constantly releasing cortisol and other stimulating substances as a fight or flight response, inflammation develops. Taking time to pray, meditate, and create space for healthy eating and exercise are all simple ways to start feeling better” 

Nick Angelis, CRNA, CEO of

What dietary tips are there to help reduce inflammation that affects the pelvic area?

“In addressing pelvic inflammation through diet, I would always recommend working with a functional and/or lifestyle medicine practitioner to identify potential triggers, such as hormonal imbalances, food sensitivities or allergies, and/or gut issues. You could then customize your strategy by making appropriate changes to your diet, ensuring the right nutrient intake.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach as we all have individual microbiomes but there is a lot of evidence for certain recommendations such as including fermented foods and bone broth to help with dysbiosis, favoring plant-based meals for menopausal women, having protein before your morning coffee to balance cortisol and/or glucose levels, just as examples. Always work with a trusted healthcare professional to ensure the changes you are making meet your individual needs.”

Dr. Ginger Garner PT, DPT, Orthopedic & Pelvic Health Therapist, Author of Medical Therapeutic Yoga & Co-Editor of Integrative & Lifestyle Medicine in Physical Therapy. Owner, Garner Pelvic Health

How can IV nutrition/drips assist with inflammation-based health conditions?

IV hydration and nutrition therapy are vital components in managing inflammation-based health conditions by delivering essential nutrients and fluids directly into the bloodstream. As many of us know, inflammation can lead to increased nutrient depletion, which IV drips can address by supplying antioxidants, vitamins and minerals (like vitamin C and zinc, which are well-known for their anti-inflammatory properties).

In bypassing the digestive system, IV therapy ensures quicker absorption and higher concentrations of nutrients, potentially aiding in reducing inflammation as well as supporting overall immune function.

While IV/nutrition drips may offer temporary relief, they should, however, be part of a comprehensive treatment plan under medical supervision to effectively address the underlying causes of the inflammation. It is essential to consult with your healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness and benefits of IV therapy for your specific inflammatory condition(s).

Stefanee Clontz, Operations Director at HydraPlus

How does inflammation affect the body during pregnancy?

In pregnancy, the body is in a natural state of inflammation which helps with implantation and the growth of the placenta. However, too much inflammation can have a negative effect on implantation in early pregnancy, and on the growth and development of the fetus. High levels of stress in pregnancy are one of the most common sources of inflammation and have been shown to increase the risk of preeclampsia, and even affect a child later in their life.

Research shows that reducing inflammation through stress management, moderate but not overly intense exercise, and foods rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids can all help the body find a balance with inflammation in pregnancy. 

McKenzie Caldwell, MPH, RDN, fertility and prenatal dietitian at Feed Your Zest

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Stevie Compango, CNSC, CPT

Stevie is Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer for the past 10 years. He specializes in mobility and chronic pain management. His methods have helped thousands of clients improve the quality of their life through movement.

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