Natural Fibrin Removal (How to Lower Fibrin in Your Body Naturally)

Fibrin is a protein in the human body that arrives as a response to injury, trauma, or inflammation. It can also be the result of stress. Fibrin is the protein that shows up when you need a wound to clot or stop bleeding, and so we do need it in our body. Too much however will cause pain and inflammation, and this is a problem that impacts millions of Americans a year. It’s not always known what causes fibrin buildup, and you’ll need solid research to learn how to lower fibrin in your body naturally.

Because we do need some levels of fibrin in our body, it is best to learn how to reduce fibrin through natural fibrin removal methods. In many cases, this can be done with some simple dietary changes. Learn more about the causes of fibrin building and how to perform natural fibrin removal here.

What Causes Fibrin Buildup

Fibrin is an insoluble protein in the human body and that means that it does not dissolve in water. This makes it harder to remove naturally, but there are ways that you can lower fibrin in your body naturally by understanding what causes fibrin buildup. Fibrin, converted from fibrinogen, is in the body and is activated when there is a stress response in the body.  Fibrin is at any wound or bleeding site in or on the body, and uses the enzyme of thrombin to form a clot or scab at the bleeding site. This happens naturally but can happen in excess in some cases, and the causes are many.

Normal fibrin ranges in the body are expected to be in the 200 to 400 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). If the values are lower than 50 mg/dl, this is a sign that you could have a problem being able to clot with your blood, and you may not be a good candidate for surgery. Values higher than 700 mg/dl are problematic and could cause pain. Values this high indicate that your body could clot or form problems on its own that it does not need to. This results in chronic pain, clotting that could result in heart attack, stroke, or aneurism, or other serious problems.

After an injury or stress response in the body, fibrin levels will elevate, and usually temporarily. Once the necessary clot is formed and the body begins to heal, it goes into repair mode. Here, the body begins to reduce inflammation at the site of the pain in time. That is because the repair and restoration response in the body is working to transition the cells that are inflamed into whole and functioning cells again. When the body has too much fibrin, this is very difficult to accomplish, and for some people, impossible without natural or medical intervention.

There are many things that cause fibrin buildup, with most of these elements being lifestyle factors. Some of these lifestyle factors can be controlled, others can not. In some cases, high levels of fibrin are attributed to genetic makeup, and there is nothing that can be done here but to work on natural fibrin removal.

Stress is also a known cause of high fibrin buildup. There is a wide body of research that has examined participants after a stressful event and tested their fibrin levels. In one study, high levels of the stress chemical known as cortisol was associated with high levels of fibrin. This stands to reason, as a stressful event to the body is harmful to the body in many ways. When the body is stressed, it would be natural for fibrin to respond, and then decrease in time once the stressful event had passed. For those living with a lot of chronic high stress, they may be at risk for high fibrin levels.

Smoking cigarettes is also associated with high fibrin levels, and a key reason why it is recommended to quit or cut back after a major injury or surgery. Many studies can indicate how smokers may have as much as 53 percent more fibrin in their bodies than non-smokers. This is a lifestyle factor that can be removed from your life if you are working on lowering fibrin levels naturally, however, it could take up to 15 years for those effects to completely take place.

There is some evidence also to suggest that birth control pills will elevate fibrin levels. There is some data that shows elevated estrogen levels can cause increased levels of fibrin in the body. Higher levels of fibrin will be associated with patients that are also smokers, and a key reason smoking cessation is recommended when on birth control. Clots resulting in stroke or heart attack while on birth control pills are caused by elevated levels of fibrin.

The diet is another way that you can see elevated levels of fibrin in the body. This is particularly true for people that consume a high volume of red meat or sugar diet. People with low levels of vitamins and minerals and Vitamin B 6 may also experience high levels of fibrin in the body. Diets that result in overweight issues may also be the cause of high fibrin levels, as obesity is known to be problematic with fibrin levels. Exercise can decrease fibrin levels naturally, and will help to reduce inflammation for many people, and this is more difficult for people already struggling with weight concerns.

Chronic health problems will be just as problematic for fibrin levels as stress will be, for the same reason. When the body is working hard at healing or growing, fibrin will naturally elevate. High fibrin levels are often associated with:

  • Infection
  • Inflammation
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Pregnancy

Why Fibrin Causes Chronic Pain

Fibrin causes chronic pain because it is an excessive buildup of protein in one site of the body. Fibrin is the response to wounds and trauma, and it causes inflammation. You may notice that after you bump yourself or cut yourself you don’t see swelling or pain until the next day, or, hours later. In some cases, the painless nature of the wound is a result of adrenaline that will pump after serious trauma. So you will hear car accident victims say all the time they are fine and don’t feel a thing, because they don’t. Adrenaline is protecting them somewhat. Later that day or the next day the fibrin levels have increased while the adrenaline and other hormones have decreased and you will see more swelling at the wound site, and more pain.

For people with high fibrin in their bodies, this pain is constant and chronic. In addition to causing a lot of pain, high fibrin levels can also result in heart disease and stroke for reasons already mentioned. High fibrin levels cause healing, and it also causes problems if the elevated levels go on too long.  Additionally, there is some research on mice that indicates that when fibrin levels are high, the body is responding quickly and also increasing inflammation responses in the body. In a nutshell, high fibrin levels that are not indicating any serious problem that is pre-existing are indicating that the patient is likely experiencing chronic pain in their body.

How to Lower Fibrin in Your Body Naturally

Diet and vitamin supplements are easy ways to lower fibrin levels naturally, however managing stress loads can help significantly as well. Food that is low in cholesterol can help to reduce fibrin levels. One double blind study indicated that adding olive oil to the diet daily helped to reduce fibrin naturally. Exercise and weight loss will also help, if you are not already suffering with chronic pain.

Vitamin supplements such as Omega 3 and turmeric are known to reduce fibrin. Omega 3 can decrease fibrin by as much as 10 percent, and fish oil consumed on its own can do the same. Turmeric is helpful in reducing inflammation on or inside the body. It is frequently used as a salve in many lotions and oils to apply to wounds externally, and can be used or consumed to reduce fibrin levels. Every vitamin in the B family can also help to break down fibrin in the body.

Consuming proteolytic enzymes can help as well. These are enzymes that the body creates in order to break down proteins. Fibrin is a protein and can benefit from consuming proteolytic enzymes. This can be found in foods such as papaya, pineapple, and some yogurts.

You can also add more lifestyle changes to your daily activity to help reduce fibrin levels. Weekly or monthly massages will reduce cortisol levels in your body and also help to reduce inflammation and pain responses. Finding ways to relax more will also help to alleviate the pain responses that stress can cause.

Learn How to Reduce Fibrin

When you are dealing with chronic pain and inflammation, learn how to reduce fibrin naturally by trying these methods. The pain and inflammation you are experiencing is real. Change a few things in your life with supplementation and relaxation techniques and you may see some success with these natural fibrin removal methods.

Robert Stern

Robert Stern

Robert Stern is currently a attendee at Harvard Medical School His background is in biology, computer science, public health, and internal medicine.

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