When you have a toothache, your first thought will be to learn how to stop tooth pain fast at home. Toothaches are typically easy problems to fix, but in some cases, they may require a trip to the dentist. Some forms of toothaches can be mild, and feel like a subtle throbbing that may or may not be accompanied by some swelling along the gums.
This swelling may appear on the outside of the face. You may also not feel any tooth pain unless you are biting or chewing on something. Another kind of tooth pain is a sensitivity to hot or cold items to drink or eat, which will make your tooth feel instant pain or sharpness that prevents you from eating or drinking hot or cold items. Worse, you may feel chronic and stabbing shooting like pains in your tooth that come as burning sensations or feelings.
There are many different causes of these kinds of tooth pains, all of which are very common. Tooth decay is the most common cause of tooth pain, and prolonged tooth decay can lead to bigger problems such as an infection or abscess that needs medical treatment. Decay and infection are the most common causes of tooth pain, but a chipped or broken tooth could lead to this pain as well. You may need tooth nerve pain relief for these issues.
If the enamel on your teeth has worn down in some areas, you may also experience some sensitivity and tooth pain. In more serious cases, heart disease and brain injury or trauma can also result in tooth pain. When you experience any kind of tooth pain, you want to know how to stop tooth pain fast at home as many are fast and effective. Still, there is no replacement for professional dental care if you can get it when you have a toothache. Learn more about tooth pain and toothache remedies or home remedies for toothache here.
Home Remedies for Toothache
When you have a toothache, your natural first inclination will be to check your medicine cabinet or pantry for a remedy to stop the pain fast. Things like a cold compress with some ibuprofen can help you to learn how to stop tooth pain fast or get gum pain relief fast at home and are very effective home remedies. When it comes to tooth nerve pain relief, however, you may need to try several home remedies for toothache as this is a pain that will not go away on its own. You will also need to see a dentist if your pain does not go away, as this is an indicator of nerve pain relief.
You can start with traditional at-home or over-the-counter remedies and treatments such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen, whichever works best for you. These treatments can be effective analgesic and make you stop feeling the pain in the tooth, but they won’t make the problem go away unless it is a very minor problem. If you have tooth nerve pain or an abscess, you will likely need dental treatment. If you have wisdom tooth pain, you may also find relief with these medications, but you should still get your wisdom teeth assessed.
Clove oil has been known to be a very common at-home remedy for toothache. This involves soaking a cotton ball with some clove oil and biting on it. This will numb the nerve somewhat. If you find relief after using clove oil, this is an indicator that you have inflammation. If the nerve is inflamed and becomes calmed with this treatment, keep using clove oil to treat your toothache at home.
A cold compress can also work wonders when you have a toothache. This helps to bring the swelling down on your face. Put the compress on the outside of your mouth where the swelling is occurring, and leave it on there for approximately 20 minutes. A cold facecloth is often enough in this situation, but you may want to use a cloth that has been folded up multiple times.
You can also use a three percent hydrogen peroxide solution mixed with water in your mouth. This is an effective home remedy for toothaches because it helps to clean the inside of your mouth. If there is any bacteria inside the mouth, this solution can help to clean it and disinfect your mouth. You need to rinse your mouth with this as if it is a mouthwash, and do not swallow the solution.
Vanilla extract is another common at-home remedy for toothaches. This solution contains natural numbing agents and antioxidants that will help your mouth to heal when it is inflamed or infected. Add a few drops of vanilla to the area that is sore several times daily while you are in pain and you will experience some relief.
Peppermint tea works wonders as well. For this to be effective, drinking the tea will not be enough, although that will calm your stomach if your toothache is also giving you some nausea and vomiting. When you are finished steeping your tea, put the tea bag inside the mouth when it is cool enough to do so. Peppermint contains natural antioxidants that will help to reduce inflammation and infection.
Additionally, nature’s best natural healer is garlic, and you won’t go wrong using it on toothaches as well. Garlic is a natural antibacterial agent as it contains allicin which is a natural antimicrobial. You can roast garlic and make a paste of it to apply to the infected or inflamed tooth. Keep it on as long as you can, and do this as often as you need to in order to relieve pain. This may be one of the tastiest at-home remedies, and it works.
At the end of the day, all of these are very effective at-home treatments for toothaches and tooth pain. When you want to know how to stop tooth pain fast at home, you can try one or all of these remedies at once as they do not have contraindications with each other. These toothache remedies can be very helpful if you can not get to a dentist, or do not have dental insurance. At the same time, it may be wise to purchase insurance if you have an issue that will not go away. For some issues, such as tooth nerve pain relief, you may need professional help. Consider a dentist appointment to just get an opinion on where you stand

What to expect from your Diagnosis & Treatment
A lot of people fear going to the dentist and it is not always the cost. Dental appointments are notoriously painful, or at least the myth of this pain is there. Today’s dentistry industry, however, is aware of how this affects the psyche of every patient, and there are many measures in place with dentists everywhere to keep patients as comfortable as possible in order to ensure they stay healthy.
When you go to a dentist for treatment, you will likely get a full medical history on your medical history and this tooth pain. The dentist will also likely want to get some X-rays completed. A full teeth cleaning is also likely if your insurance will cover it and if you consent to it. You may just want your teeth pain treated, however. Your dentist will still want to see inside the tooth, and an X-ray is the only way to do that.
There are a few main treatments for tooth pain. Those include filling a cavity that is causing the pain, a root canal to pull the nerve that is infected and causing pain, or pulling the tooth entirely. In most cases, tooth extraction or pulling is the most affordable kind of dental care. Root canal therapy can be expensive but it will save a tooth. This involves going into the tooth through the top and pulling the pulp around the nerve that has become infected. Here, the pulp is removed and the nerve to the tooth becomes dead. These can be effective treatments, but it does weaken the stability of the tooth and put the tooth more at risk of fracture or chipping in the future.
You will likely get some pain medication from your dentist to heal after any of these treatments. That could include non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) or higher-level pain medications that include codeine. It is unlikely you will need that after getting a cavity filled because the anaesthetic from that procedure is likely going to last for some time. When that numbing agent wears off, you are not likely going to feel pain after having a cavity filled. Medication from the dentist, in addition to at-home remedies, can be very effective in treating tooth pain.
Dental Care & Preventative Action
It can be difficult to determine when you need to get to a dentist, even if you do have good coverage and are not worried about the cost. Toothache remedies at home are a great start, but there are some indicators that home remedies for toothache may not be enough. For gum pain relief and tooth nerve pain relief, a professional will be necessary.
When your pain can not be relieved by home remedies or over-the-counter medication, it is time to seek a dentist’s opinion. If you have already had some treatment, such as an extraction and the pain continues after the medication is gone, see your dentist. If you begin to notice any discharge or odor in your mouth, or a sudden foul taste, see a dentist to get an abscess treated or diagnosed. Chronic dental pain may just be a sign that wisdom teeth are coming in, and will need some professional treatment as well.
Of course, if you can avoid the toothache altogether, that is the best home remedy for toothaches. Good dental hygiene will ensure that you have healthy teeth and stay far away from dental issues that will cause this pain. Keep your diet healthy and low in sugar, or, brush and rinse your mouth after you have sugary foods and drink. You also want to get into the habit of flossing regularly and brushing your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure that your toothpaste has fluoride in it, as this will help to prevent cavities.
Treat Toothaches Fast At Home
There are many ways to learn how to stop toothache quickly at home. The number of home remedies for toothache are nearly infinite. You can likely find many toothache remedies at home today in your own pantry and cupboard. Your dentist is a good source of tooth nerve pain relief and gum pain relief if the symptoms do not go away. When you have wisdom tooth pain, cold compresses, and natural remedies will work wonders until you can see a dentist.