Vitamins are an important part of our lives, whether we realize it or not. Vitamins are in our blood, our bones, our brains, and our organs, and they help all of our systems to function to keep us alive. There are some vitamins that we need to stay alive, and a deficiency will surely cause death. Deficiency in other vitamins will result in illness, or conditions that interfere with our quality of life, such as lethargy, fatigue, or malnutrition.
When you are thinking of taking stock of the vitamins in your life, consider these 10 great vitamin boosters that will help to bring health and wellness into your life. Of course, you can slow down the aging process, cover all of your nutritional needs, and get stronger bones with vitamins. But these 10 great vitamin boosters will do so much more than that. Experience stronger immunity, faster metabolism, and more energy in your life overall. Learn more about the best vitamin boosters for your life right here.
Vitamin A: The Vision and Immunity Booster
Vitamin A is a key vitamin that functions as both a vision and immunity booster. This is a vitamin that is said to help you see in the dark. If you have heard of the term retinol, this is the key chemical that vitamin A helps to produce and maintain in the human body. It also stimulates white blood cell production in the human body so that you can maintain a healthy and active immune system that will fight off toxins and viruses, and keep you healthy.
You will find Vitamin A in food sources such as the famous leafy green family. This includes kale, broccoli, and spinach. Make these foods fun with some garlic and butter, or cheese, and add calcium to your menu. Carrots are also a rich source of Vitamin A, and are known to help with vision issues or improve your existing vision. Other common sources of Vitamin A include red bell peppers, beef livers, and dairy like milk and eggs.

Vitamin C: The Antioxidant Powerhouse
Vitamin C of course is another famous vitamin that is known to be an immunity powerhouse. In addition to being an immunity powerhouse, it is also an antioxidant powerhouse. Antioxidants are things that we have in our body, or put in our body to combat the amount of excess free radicals in our system. These free radicals are chemicals that can speed up the aging process, or result in the deterioration of critical immune system function.
Vitamin C is also known to build and synthesize collagen, a chemical that helps us to maintain skin elasticity and healthy wound healing. Vitamin C can also function as an antioxidant that generates other antioxidants in the body to prevent illnesses or speed up the healing of existing ones.
The most common food source of Vitamin C is citrus foods such as oranges, grapefruits, kiwifruits, and lemons. Other rich sources of Vitamin C include red bell peppers, green pepper, and strawberries. Vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cooked cabbage are another source of food that is rich in Vitamin C.
Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin
Vitamin D is a famous vitamin that you can get from the sun itself. Sit outside for a few minutes every day to get your necessary dose of Vitamin D. You can get it from a wide range of foods as well, however. Vitamin D is an important vitamin that can help you to absorb calcium and strengthen your teeth and your bones. It is also known to help to improve immune system function so that you can fend off diseases easier and faster.
When you sit in the sun, your body will produce Vitamin D on its own. But you can also get it from a number of food sources. Some fish foods such as salmon, herring, tuna, and sardines are rich in Vitamin D. Dairy products such as yogurt and milk can also be a rich source of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is also one of the 10 great vitamin boosters that can be found in fortified foods as well.

Vitamin E: The Skin and Hair Nourisher
You may have heard of Vitamin E as a cure-all for a number of skin conditions, and that is because it works. Vitamin E is one of the 10 great vitamin boosters because it has a magical effect on the skin, hair, and nails. This is also an important vitamin when it comes to vision and your blood and brain cells. Vitamin E is another powerhouse vitamin when it comes to antioxidants and it too will help you to fight the war with free radicals roaming your system. This vitamin helps you to eliminate them.
Vitamin E acts as an emollient in your body as well as on your skin. It has been shown in studies to slow down Alzheimer’s disease, and create neuronal connections that help with memory and memory recovery. It can not cure Alzheimer’s, but like Vitamin A for the vision impaired, it can improve the quality of life somewhat.
You can consume Vitamin E in capsules as a supplement, but it is also found in many food sources. Foods such as almonds and peanuts are high in Vitamin E. Oily foods such as canola oil and margarine are also rich in Vitamin E. If you enjoy the joys of the leafy green family of vegetables like kale and broccoli, you will get some extra Vitamin D into your day.
Vitamin K: The Bone and Heart Protector
Vitamin K is a vitamin that is also found in a lot of leafy green vegetables, such as kale and spinach. This vitamin is known to be good for the bones and also for the heart. Vitamin K is an important vitamin when it comes to clotting the blood as it creates proteins that make the blood healthier and richer, and more equipped to combat diseases. Any kind of blood loss needs to be replaced in the human body, and Vitamin K can help.
We already have Vitamin K in our body, but we need it for optimum liver, brain, and heart functioning. Consuming this vitamin in diet or in a supplement is important and can help to protect both the bones and the cardiovascular system.
B Vitamins: The Energy Supporters
B Vitamins are a well-known family of vitamins that bring energy to your body. The B vitamin complex is all about improved cellular health and function, and red blood cell function as well. When you have good red blood cell function, your cardiovascular system is in good shape. Vitamin B also supports the nervous system and helps to regulate your hormones and cholesterol function.
You will find most members of the Vitamin B family in every healthy food. Dairy is a common and rich source of Vitamin B. You can also find it in meats, such as liver and kidney meats, but also red meat and chicken. Many fishes such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel, are also rich sources of Vitamin B. Other foods rich in Vitamin B that are not mentioned as often include the whole grain family and legumes.
This includes anything with whole grains such as whole grain breads and breakfast cereals. Even a bowl of oatmeal every few days would bring you more Vitamin B. Legumes such as kidney beans, chickpeas, and other beans can help you to bring more Vitamin B into your life.
Vitamin B12: The Brain and Nerve Booster
Vitamin B12 is another one of the 10 great vitamin boosters that can improve your overall health. This is a vitamin that helps to boost the blood and functions as a nutrient that can keep many of your body’s cells healthy. Vitamin B12 is specifically known to improve brain cells in a number of ways, and it keeps your neurons healthier.
Vitamin B12 is known to help to maintain healthy cell division and mitosis and promote stronger DNA production which contributes to your overall genetic makeup. For women that are pregnant or nursing, Vitamin B12 can also help to contribute to healthy genetic makeup and stronger DNA molecules in children as well.
Another key function of Vitamin B12 is that it helps to prevent megaloblastic anemia, which is a condition that can produce lower energy levels and lethargy. Vitamin B12 is critical in red blood cell production and formation, and it helps to improve overall cellular function including metabolism.
Vitamin B12 is also known to strengthen the molecular structures inside cells. When that happens, we have better energy overall. In addition, to help strengthen the heart and blood vessels and prevent cardiovascular disease, Vitamin B12 can also strengthen the neurons and prevent dementia.
It is not easy to get a Vitamin B12 deficiency in North America, as it is found in most foods and fortified foods. If however, you are a vegan and do not access meat foods or dairy products, you want to pay special attention to how you access Vitamin B12 in your diet. There is a wide range of food sources that include Vitamin B12, but you can also supplement it with vitamins in addition to your vegan diet.
You can find it in fortified breakfast cereals and other food products such as poultries and meats. Many dairy products will also be fortified with Vitamin B12. It is easy to find a food source for Vitamin B12, one of the 10 great vitamin boosters for the body.
Supercharge Your Health With Vitamins Today
When you are looking for 10 great vitamin boosters, start with this list of vitamins. Add these to your vitamin kit if you want to supplement your existing diet with vitamins that will help your skin, hair, blood cells, and DNA, and also promote a healthier immune system. This is just a starting point. You can find all of these vitamins in healthier foods such as leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, and iron-rich food sources like red meats and poultries. Fish and fish products are another ideal source of all of these vitamins. When you can’t find these vitamins in your diet, supercharge your health with supplements today.