Moving Elderly Parents and What it Entails

There comes a time in many people’s lives when they are no longer able to live safely at home. Unfortunately, they may not realize when this time comes. It may fall upon their children to suggest a move to an assisted living facility or nursing home. If you are concerned about what to do with aging parents, … Read more

Causes of High Blood Pressure in the Elderly – The Facts

High blood pressure is common in the elderly and can cause many serious health issues. It’s important to understand the causes of high blood pressure in elderly people, and how you can treat and prevent it. High Blood Pressure: The Silent Killer High blood pressure is often called the ‘silent killer’ because it has no symptoms. … Read more

Everything Seniors Must Know About High Blood Pressure

Each time we visit our doctor, we have our blood pressure taken. This reading is a way to find out if our hearts and arteries are healthy and functioning properly. High blood pressure readings can be warnings that we are due for some lifestyle changes. When our readings elevate beyond what is considered normal we can become … Read more

Do You Know How to Recognize Dementia Stages?

A person suffering from a form of dementia doesn’t start out with significant memory loss or other signs of cognitive decline. Dementia is usually progressive, meaning there are multiple dementia stages. In the earliest phases, a person might seem to be in good health. By the final stage, a person will usually be unable to … Read more

Dementia Care – Providing the Best and Avoiding Burnout

Dealing with dementia is a difficult process for caregivers around the world. Communication with a loved one who is suffering may become challenging. The behavior of dementia sufferers can also become unpredictable. Dementia causes people to lose their ability to complete common tasks. It becomes the responsibility of caregivers to aid them in their everyday … Read more

The Link Between Oral Health and Heart Attacks

oral health and heart attacks

While you may suspect they are unrelated to one another, there may be a link between oral health and heart attacks that you need to be aware of. This sounds incredibly strange, but when we explain the science behind the relationship, you will understand. Let’s start by quickly talking about oral health in general, starting … Read more