Can Adults Get Braces?

An adult with braces

If you are pondering the question “can adults get braces” the answer is yes. Numerous studies show that more and more adults are getting braces today. Braces in adults can be performed for many reasons, with many of them being reasons connected to dental health, and others simply to improve a smile for personal or … Read more

Understanding TMJ Headaches 

A TMJ headache is an often excruciating experience that is caused by damage or issues to the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). These are the joints that connect your jaw to your skull. The mandible is the lower jaw, and the temporal part is the bone at the side and base of the skull. A properly aligned … Read more

What to Do When You Have a Half-Broken Molar Tooth?

A patient has a half-broken molar tooth

When you have a half-broken molar tooth, it is easy to jump to the conclusion that this is the start of a very big and expensive problem, or a very painful one. The worst-case scenarios are running through your mind. But chipped tooth repair is very easy today, whether your molar is half broken, or … Read more

What Do Rubber Bands Do For Braces?

An orthodontist applies rubber bands to braces

Many people wonder “What do rubber bands do on braces?” The simple answer is, they bind teeth closer together, in the same way that rubber bands bring anything closer together. When you or your child needs braces, you may hear of the need for Orthodontic Elastic Bands that will serve as rubber bands for braces. These bands … Read more