Is Ginger Beer Good for You? What You Need to Know

Ginger beer is one of the most popular drinks in history and has been enjoyed for hundreds of years in many cultures. In recent years, it has seen an uptick in presence on social media and other sites and has become one of the most in-demand fermented drinks in the world. But is ginger beer good for you? And how does it differ from ginger ale, its sister drink?

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of ginger root, highlight the health benefits of ginger, list ginger beer’s nutritional benefits, and answer the question “is ginger beer good for you?” to ensure that you make an intelligent dietary decision. We’ll also examine if ginger beer is suitable for an upset stomach and help you understand if ginger beer is good for you when you’re sick with other conditions.

What is Ginger Beer? Is Ginger Beer Good for You?

Ginger beer is a fermented drink with ginger root, sugar, and other ingredients. Fermentation is the process of yeast consumption triggered by bacteria. As the bacteria eat yeast in the drink, it causes various changes that enhance its taste and health. It is one of the oldest food preparation methods in the world, and evidence of ginger beer has been common throughout ancient history.

Please note that ancient ginger beer contained alcohol due to the yeast consumption process. Modern ginger beer typically does not have very much alcohol, though homemade types may have a larger amount if allowed to ferment long enough. Most store-bought brands are not considered alcoholic because the amount that they might contain is very low.

Why Fermentation is Healthy

Fermented foods are typically healthy, and ginger beer is no different. It not only taps into the natural health benefits of ginger root and lemon (which we’ll discuss later) but also provides unique advantages based on fermentation itself. Just a few advantages of fermented food include:

  • Lactic Acid Bacteria: Lactic acid bacteria have a robust probiotic effect, which can help improve your gut health and enhance your digestion.
  • Easier Digestion: Fermented food is already partially digested by bacteria, which makes it easier for your stomach to process and minimizes gut-related digestive issues.
  • Supports Heart Health: Fermented foods may help support heart health and minimize your risk of complications, including heart attacks and strokes.
  • Enhances Mood: Studies have shown that fermented foods may help improve your mood and enhance your quality of life. These benefits vary based on the types you eat.
  • Low Sugar Quantities: While some ginger beers may have high sugar content, others have low quantities of natural sugar, which may help your digestion and energy management.

We’ll discuss many of these health benefits in more depth in the next section, mainly as we highlight the health benefits of ginger root. A few benefits we’ll discuss include high levels of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory items, and potential anti-aging effects. Also, note that the lemon in fermented ginger beer supports heart health, controls weight, prevents kidney stones, and much more.

Ginger Beer is healthy

Health Benefits of Ginger Beer

Ginger beer is a healthy drink that supports your overall well-being and provides many other unique benefits. It gets them primarily from ginger root and its many unique compounds. The various benefits below have been carefully studied and confirmed several times.

High Levels of Vitamins and Minerals

Ginger root has a high concentration of multiple vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B6, potassium, magnesium, copper, and manganese. It also includes gingerol, a unique compound found heavily in ginger, and provides many benefits we’ll discuss in more depth below.

Digestion and Nausea Support

Ginger also helps improve your digestion and can relieve nausea. That makes ginger beer a great drink if you’re sick or if your stomach is upset. Pregnant women may particularly find it beneficial for morning sickness, though that may depend on the woman and her stomach’s health.

Substantial Concentrations of Gingerol and Shogaol

Gingerol has many medicinal properties and can help fight the flu and the cold It fights against inflammation and provides antioxidant benefits. Furthermore, gingerol and shogaol help relieve stomach irritation, increase saliva and bile production, and produce more pancreatic lipase. This substance helps aid fat digestion and may even improve your weight loss effects.

Antibacterial Support

Ginger root also has antibacterial properties, which means many of its compounds prevent bacteria from growing in your body. This may help prevent diseases spread by bacteria, such as strep throat, e.coli, whooping cough, salmonella, and even tuberculosis.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Specialists believe ginger root is anti-inflammatory because many of its over 400 natural compounds fight inflammation. This includes helping treat rheumatoid arthritis, respiratory inflammation, headaches, and even a high temperature.

Mental Health Benefits

Ginger increases dopamine and serotonin levels, which helps reduce emotional and psychological problems. Traditionally, it has been used to manage memory loss, dementia, and even Alzheimer’s disease. However, more studies on these effects are being taken even now.

Anti-Aging Properties

Ginger may help protect against cell damage, including damage caused by radiation. It also helps fight against the “aging pigment” lipofuscin, which accumulates as we age and hinders cell functioning. In this way, it may help with learning and aging. Furthermore, it also benefits the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to boost learning abilities and memory late in life.

The Difference Between Ginger Beer & Ginger Ale & How to Make Home-Made Ginger Beer

Ginger beer and ginger ale are often confused with each other by many people. However, they’re very different drinks and shouldn’t be considered similar. In addition, while ginger ale has some health benefits because it is made using ginger, it is not as healthy as ginger beer.

As a result, it’s important to know the differences between the two if you’re interested in a healthy drink. While ginger ale is a good addition to many people’s daily diets, it’s a soft drink and has many of the same downsides, including carbonation and high sugar counts. Let’s break down a few of the most common differences to ensure you make a wise purchase choice. We’ll also discuss a simple homemade ginger beer recipe you can use.

The Main Differences Between Ginger Ale and Ginger Beer

The most significant variation between these two drinks is how they are produced. Ginger beer is made with fermented ginger, sugar, and lemon, while ginger ale is mixed soda water and club soda with ginger syrup. As a result, ginger ale leaves out the fermentation that gives ginger beer much of its overall health benefits. Ginger beer’s fermentation adds multiple health benefits like:

  • High levels of vitamins and minerals caused by fermentation
  • Removal of unhealthy non-nutrients within the ginger beer
  • Reducing blood pressure in many people
  • Fighting microbial and oxidant spread in the body
  • Reducing diabetic symptoms in some people
  • Potentially helping to minimize your cancer risk
  • Decreasing your reaction to opioid substances

The lack of fermentation also means that ginger ale has no alcohol at all. Ginger beer typically has a meager amount, just around 0.5 percent alcohol by volume. That level is small enough to make most ginger beers non-alcoholic. However, that small amount is enough to give you some of alcohol’s health benefits while not getting you drunk or causing a risk of addiction.

The Taste Difference

Ginger beer also has a potent flavor, smell, and spice compared to ginger ale, making it a heartier and more enjoyable drink. On the other hand, ginger ale is milder and often has a syrupy or soda-like taste. Some might prefer ginger beer’s sharper and more aggressive flavor, while others may prefer the softer taste of ginger ale.

Homemade Ginger Beer Recipe

If you want to ensure that your ginger beer is healthy, you can use this homemade recipe provided by Tori Avey. It creates six servings and takes about five days to complete due to the fermentation process. Thankfully, it’s relatively easy to complete, even if you have little experience with fermented drinks.


  • One cup of granulated sugar
  • Seven and one-half cups of water
  • Two tablespoons of freshly grated ginger
  • One-eighth teaspoon of dry yeast
  • Three tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Three tablespoons of lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • Two-liter soda bottle
  • Funnel


  1. Place grated ginger, sugar, and one-half-cup water in a saucepan and cook until sugar is dissolved
  2. Steep the mixture for an hour before straining to remove solids from the ginger syrup
  3. Put the funnel in your bottle and add the year, lemon juice, the rest of the water, and your syrup
  4. Cap the bottle and shake until the yeast is dissolved and store on a shady shelf for 2-3 days
  5. Open the bottle every day to release pressure, or the bottle may pop and cause a mess
  6. Store the bottle in the refrigerator and open it to drink, storing it in the fridge as needed

You can increase the recipe ingredients accordingly if you want more ginger beer, such as doubling all ingredients to make two bottles. You’ll need to drink the ginger beer reasonably quickly because the fermentation process will continue even when refrigerated and spoil the ginger beer in 1-2 weeks.

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Stevie Compango, CNSC, CPT

Stevie is Certified Nutrition Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer for the past 10 years. He specializes in mobility and chronic pain management. His methods have helped thousands of clients improve the quality of their life through movement.

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