The concept of teas for sinus infection goes back centuries, as herbs and plants have been used for medicinal purposes almost since the beginning of time. That is because the sinus system responds well to natural remedies when it is infected. A sinus infection occurs when a virus or bacteria enters the sinuses and starts an infection. This will then cause the areas behind the nose, forehead, and eyebrows to be inflamed and tender.
Sinus infections can be among the most painful kind of nasal congestion. Viruses and bacteria are the most common causes of sinus infections. They can also be caused by other problems such as tooth infections, allergies, and nasal polyps. Teas for sinus can help tremendously in providing relief and reducing the inflammation and pain associated with sinus infections. Natural remedies are among the best ways to relieve and treat sinus infections, regardless of the cause. Learn more about the best teas for sinus infections here.
Healing Properties of Teas for Sinus Infection Relief
There are many healing properties found in teas for sinus infections, and that is why they are so widely revered. Teas for sinus infections are meant to reduce the inflammation that is caused by the infection. They are said to contain a series of powerful chemicals known as phytochemicals that not only reduce inflammation but prevent permanent cell damage caused by a sinus infection.
When the inflammation from sinus infections is relieved, so too is the pain of sinus infection. Reducing inflammation will also reduce congestion that is caused by a sinus infection. Drinking tea for sinus infections has a way of clearing the nasal passages and providing almost instant relief. Additionally, some teas for sinus can also help to thin the mucus linings that make these infections feel worse.
Because there are so many herbal or natural teas to choose from, you want to be careful in the teas that you select when you are using tea for sinus infection. You may find one tea works well as a tea for sinus headaches, while another helps to reduce inflammation. Although many teas for sinus infections are natural, many of them can be very powerful and have interacting effects with other teas and medications. You want to be very careful in how you take teas for sinus infections.
It is important to choose the right teas for your sinus infection symptoms. Every tea is different and every sinus infection is different when it comes to how the symptoms present and how to deal with them. At the same time, many different teas for sinus infection can be extremely effective on their own, and when working together. When you are researching different teas for sinus infections, start with the most tried and true remedies before you experiment with too many different kinds of teas for sinus relief.
Recommended Teas for Sinus Relief
There are many different teas used for sinus relief and relief from infections of the sinus cavities and passages. Among the most popular teas for sinus are peppermint tea, ginger tea, and green tea. All of these teas have their own anti-inflammatory properties that can help to reduce the pain and inflammation from a sinus infection. At the same time, they can soothe and reduce other symptoms like digestive problems, upset stomachs, headaches, and pain caused by sinus infection.
The most common teas used for sinus infection include:
- Peppermint tea
- Ginger tea
- Green tea
Peppermint tea is among the most widely used herbal teas, and it helps with a wide range of remedies and healing. That is because it contains menthol which is a natural healer for a wide range of health issues. For sinus infections, menthol works as a natural decongestant that can clear the nasal passages. It also will help to thin the mucus linings and break up phlegmy areas of the sinus cavities and nasal passages. With peppermint tea, you will find that your stuffy nose is cleared up and you may also find relief from a sore throat. It has been said that the steam from peppermint tea can also serve as a decongestant in itself.
Ginger tea works wonders when it comes to reducing inflammation and pain in sinus infections. There are over 50 different antioxidants in ginger tea that can provide boosts to the immune system and rid your body of disease-causing and inflammation-causing free radicals. Also found in ginger tea are the chemicals known as cytokines which are known to help reduce inflammation. One study showed how ginger tea consumed daily can reduce inflammation in osteoarthritis when approximately 1,000 mg of ginger was consumed daily.
That is because there are scores of compounds found in ginger tea that can reduce inflammation. The chemicals in ginger work on their own and together to reduce inflammation and bring relief to nasal passages during a sinus infection. You may also find stomach relief, if headaches or other symptoms are causing an upset stomach.
Another very popular tea for sinus infection is green tea. Green tea is a tea that has the chemicals of polyphenols and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that can be very effective in treating sinus infections. EGCG for example is a chemical that is known to provide anti-inflammatory relief for a wide variety of conditions. It has helped tremendously with the reduction of inflammation in sinus infections and functions as an effective decongestant as well.
Green tea is a well-known natural remedy and works to reduce inflammation in many areas of the body. It is also known to be packed with multiple antioxidants as well. Antioxidants will rid the system of free radicals and will also help to reduce inflammation caused by sinus infections.

Brewing Instructions and Dosage Recommendations
When it comes to brewing tea for sinus infections, the steps will be different for every single type of tea. Along with different kinds of tea, the type of tea that you get will determine how you brew it. You can purchase teas for sinus infection in a tea bag, as loose tea, or even cook it from scratch with ginger root for example.
Loose leaves of tea used with an infuser can be brewed the same way no matter what kind of tea you are working with. Pack the tea leaves into an infuser and immerse the infuser into a cup of boiling water. Many studies have shown that loose leaves will work better in reducing inflammation when you are using teas for sinus infections. The key to maximizing the impact of brewed loose-leaf tea is to steep the tea for as long as five minutes.
With peppermint teas, you can enjoy its benefits in either loose-leaf or tea bag type. Either will include dried peppermint leaves that help you to find relief during your sinus infection. Again, the recommendation of five minutes of steeping will be the same. The longer you steep your peppermint tea, the more beneficial it will be when trying to clear your sinus infection.
If you are using loose leaves of peppermint to brew your tea right from the garden, rinse the leaves off first. This is especially important if you are using chemicals in your garden or purchase peppermint leaves from the store. Add the leaves right to the teapot and add boiled water to the leaves. A good rule of thumb here is to use seven to 10 peppermint leaves per cup of tea if you are unsure how much peppermint to add to your teapot.
Ginger tea is made the same when you are using loose-leaf ginger tea, or tea bags. Here, you want to add boiling water to the tea leaves or bags and let them steep for some time. If you are using ginger right from the root, you can boil raw chopped ginger with the flavors of your choice. Put pieces of ginger root into a saucepan and add lemon or honey to it, or both. Lemond rind adds a beautiful zest to this tea, but you can remove it beforehand.
Boil the ginger for at least five minutes. You will then want to strain the entire pot into a teapot or cup of tea.
With all of these teas for sinus infections, you want to have a tea that is tasty and enjoyable. This will make it easier for you to enjoy the tea while you are working on reducing inflammation caused by a sinus infection. One cup of ginger tea four times daily brewed in any way is a guideline that can help get you through a sinus infection. That guideline is the same regardless of whatever kind of ginger you are using for your ginger tea.
For other teas, one cup three to four times daily is an excellent guideline. At the same time, if you are not finding any contraindications with other medications or ailments, you can consume any of these teas as often as you like.
Potential Side Effects and Precautions
When you are trying any new remedy for an existing ailment, you have to be particularly careful that it will not produce negative side effects. This is even more important if you are taking existing medication. With herbal teas for sinus infections, you want to be sure they will not interfere with anything you may already be taking.
Green tea for example can counteract medication such as codeine, tamoxifen, and acetaminophen. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure about taking green tea when you have a sinus infection.
For peppermint tea, there are typically no known risks or counterindications. That is, unless you have a peppermint allergy. If you are allergic to peppermint of any kind, avoid peppermint tea when you have a sinus infection. An allergic reaction to peppermint will start in the mouth, and may include throat itching or tightness, swelling of the lips or mouth, and difficulty swallowing. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience negative side effects after taking peppermint tea. Be sure to check with your doctor if you have known allergies before you try peppermint tea.
Ginger tea can also produce negative side effects such as heartburn or acid reflux. You don’t want to use more than the recommended amount if you are using ginger root for your ginger tea. At the same time, ginger tea can also improve digestion and reduce acid reflux when consumed in moderate doses.
Scientific Studies and Research Findings
There is a wide body of evidence that supports the use of herbal teas for sinus infections. The teas that come up the most in scientific research include peppermint tea, ginger tea, and green tea. In one study of Japanese participants, participants consumed multiple bottles of cooled green tea to treat sinus infections and respiratory ailments. Nasopharyngeal symptoms cleared and improved significantly over those in the control group who did not consume green tea.
For ginger tea, a 2020 study in the BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies journal revealed that 500 milligrams of ginger in tea daily can reduce rhinitis, runny noses, and nasal congestion. This suggests that this would be an ideal tea for sinus infection, and is just one of the many research studies that indicate the efficacy of herbal teas for sinus infections.
Start With Herbal Teas for Sinus Infection Today
When you are suffering from sinus infections, you want relief fast. The best teas for sinus infection include peppermint tea, ginger tea, and green tea, although many herbal teas will work. These teas are backed by a wide body of research that supports herbal teas for sinus infections. Treat your sinus infection with herbal teas for immediate relief today.