Arctic Blast Review 

Chronic pain is a problem that is experienced by billions of people every day in the world. In the United States alone, approximately 20 percent of Americans, or 51 million people live with chronic pain. Additionally, pain that is suffered in the muscles or the joints is an even more common problem. Most adults experience … Read more

Water Therapy for Back Pain

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 58.9% of adults in this country suffer from chronic pain. They state that, of that group, 39% experience pain in their back. There are many therapeutic approaches to managing chronic low back pain. However, water therapy may be one of the most effective. Seniors may … Read more

Back Pain in Elderly

back pain in elderly

Back pain in elderly is almost a certainty, and it can become so debilitating that it feels like it defines you. You become frustrated that you are no longer able to partake in activities you used to enjoy, such as hiking, Yoga, Tai Chi for seniors, playing with your kids or grandkids, or even just … Read more

Upper Back Pain After Eating

If you experience upper back pain after eating, you likely are concerned and want to get to the bottom of it. This seems like a weird problem to have, but there are actually quite a few reasons your upper back hurts after you eat. It can be something as simple as poor posture during your meal, or … Read more

Upper Back Pain When Breathing

upper back pain while breathing

Upper back pain when breathing can leave you feeling gravely concerned for your wellbeing, as issues with your breathe can be caused by serious underlying issues. Sometimes, though, it’s not anything to be worried about. But how do you tell when you just need ice and rest, and when you need to visit the emergency … Read more