Best Diets For Men Over 50

dangers of green smoothies

Everyone needs to pay attention to their eating habits no matter what age they are, but the older you get, the more important it becomes. Men who have reached the 50-year mark or have exceeded it may need specialized diets in order to stay in good health. Keep reading to learn about diets that are beneficial for … Read more

Best Diets For Women Over 50

Dangers Of Green Smoothies

Although diet is important no matter a person’s age, one’s nutrition after age 50 is highly important. The most important reason for dieting at this age I maintaining a healthy body. The body over 50 struggles to withstand more abuse from inactivity, eating a lot of fast food and drinking too much alcohol. The side … Read more

Hip Pain Treatment Options Without Surgery

hip pain treatment without surgery

If you are struggling with even a minor bit of discomfort or immobility, you may seek out hip pain treatment options without surgery. Surgery is a very controversial topic when it comes to hip replacement, spine issues, and many other very invasive procedures. Sometimes it can be beneficial, sometimes it may set you back further … Read more

Exercises for Upper Back Pain Relief

How Can Stretching Help With Upper Back Pain? According to a study, stretching increases an individual’s range of motion and promotes muscle blood flow(1). It was also suggested that regular stretching loosens tight and stiff muscles(2). Some of the stretches that may help manage upper back pain are thoracic extension, cat-cow pose, chair chest opener, scapular squeeze, … Read more

Lower Back Pain When Standing

lower back pain when standing

Lower back pain when standing can be caused by a more specific set of conditions. If you usually only feel discomfort in your lower back when you stand, it will be easier to diagnose the root cause than just attempting to diagnose lower back pain in general. However, this type of pain can also range greatly in … Read more

Stretches for Mid Back Pain

Stretches for Mid Back Pain

We have listed the best stretches for the variety of middle back pain causes. We have compiled the top stretches, yoga poses, and movements for muscular pain in the middle back. Whether you just slept funny or you strained a muscle working out and the pain is unbearable, these will have your mid back loosening up … Read more

Lower Back Pain in Elderly

Lower Back Pain in Elderly

Lower back pain in elderly years is an unfortunate reality many folks have to deal with. In fact, back pain in elderly affects a large majority of people over the age of 60. It can be caused by a number of things, and can create a range of symptoms other than just typical pain in … Read more

Causes of Middle Back Pain in Seniors

As adults age, they undergo several physical and psychosocial changes(7). Back pain in elderly prevalence has been reported as one of the conditions plaguing the elderly(8). Apart from neck pain and chest pain, pain in the middle back is also a growing concern among seniors. Chronic pain has resulted in reduced mobility, depression, and even isolation … Read more

Upper Back Pain in Elderly

Upper Back Pain in Elderly

While the majority of back pain in elderly cases deal with lower back pain, there are still tons of hospital care visits every single year due to upper back pain in elderly people.  Whether it be due to spinal problems or an issue with your ribs, the agonizing burning or pulling sensation you feel has you wondering, … Read more

Sciatic Nerve Stretches, Standing or Seated

Health Report lists down some stretching exercises to help manage sciatica. The instructions for each stretch pose are elaborated through an easy step-by-step guide. Safety precautions are highlighted to maximize the benefits of stretching. Aside from these stretches, tips on preventing sciatica are also included in this article. Safety Precautions At Home Stretching Exercises for … Read more

Tai Chi for Senior Exercise and Balance

Tai chi, a form of Chinese martial arts that focuses on slow, controlled movements. Tai chi exercises are low impact and gives people with limited mobility a chance to improve their balance, range of motion, coordination, and muscle health. Research shows that tai chi for seniors can reduce the incidence of falls in elderly and at-risk adults … Read more

Erasing the Stigma of Geriatric Anxiety and Learning to Help

The effects of anxiety disorders are becoming ever more prevalent in our society. Even with new research shining a light on how many Americans suffer from these varying disorders, we have only begun to scratch the surface. This is especially true when it comes to understanding anxiety in the elderly. Higher rates of loss, physical suffering from … Read more

Causes & Relief For Hip Pain After Running

hip pain after running

If you experience hip pain after running, it can make getting that crucial exercise even more difficult, discouraging you from getting your workout in. The last thing you want when trying to stay healthy is injuring yourself in the process. But, even worse, this type of pain in your hips can interfere with your other … Read more

Causes & Treatment For Hip Pain When Sitting

hip pain when sitting

We spend so much time in a seated position throughout the day, especially if you’re a student or working professional, that dealing with hip pain when sitting can derail your entire day. As such, you cannot afford to just keep living with this condition. Investing in a stand up desk is one option, but that … Read more