Best Vitamin for Sciatic Nerve Pain?

Alpha Palm Vitamin

Most of us slow down endogenous production of certain vitamins as we age, possibly causing deficiencies. Chronically limited availability of these important nutrients can lead to various adverse health disorders, including neurodegenerative and inflammatory conditions, like sciatica. Fortunately, there are a few nutrients & vitamins for sciatica that may be the best option for improving … Read more

What is Commonly Misdiagnosed as Pink Eye?

The most common misdiagnoses of pink eye is conjunctivitis. Pink eye is a condition where the eye is experiencing pain, redness, and in most cases serious itchiness. If you are wondering if you or one of your children has pink eye, it is a good idea to also look into other similar conditions. When you … Read more

When to Drink Bone Broth for Gut Health?

Making and consuming bone broth has been around for thousands of years, widespread among the ancient civilizations that recognized its healing powers. The practice experienced a lull at one point in history but is seeing a resurgence based on its benefits for one’s digestive system, among other things. When to drink bone broth depends on … Read more

Beets and Blood Sugar (What You Need to Know)

Beets and Blood Sugar

Beets or beetroot are a root vegetable dug from the ground that are rich in a wide variety of nutrients and known to have a sweet but subtle taste. They are not a strong vegetable taste wise, but their punch comes in with their healthy benefits. Their health benefits are many, and people such as … Read more

Knee Pain Treatment at Home

Knee pain has several various causes, and understanding what knee pain is will be the first step in aiming to resolve it. As the Mayo Clinic observes, knee pain may result from an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage.  Medical conditions like knee arthritis, gout, and infections can also cause knee pain. … Read more

How Do I Know if My Knee Pain Is Serious?

Knee injuries demand immediate medical treatment. Individuals should assess the injury to see whether they need an orthopedic surgeon or specialist. Swelling is a crucial injury indicator. Sports medicine doctors say it’s a symptom of knee damage. Knee pain affects most adults and is often associated with normal wear and tear from daily activities, such … Read more

Burning Knee Pain: What You Should Know (Causes & Symptoms)

Knee pain is one of the most common physiological issues people experience as they age and exercise more. The knee is perhaps the most complex joint in the human body, and it performs a variety of functions with every step we take, quite literally. In summary, several studies have discussed how osteoarthritis affects knee pain … Read more

Diagnosing Knee Pain

Knee pain is common, especially as one gets older. It might also be an overuse injury. New pain can result from a debilitating illness, such as knee arthritis or an injury like a sprain.  Diagnosing knee pain will involve a medical exam and diagnostic testing, including imaging such as X-rays and an MRI.  Knee pain … Read more

Ultimate Guide to Front Knee Pain

Front knee pain, also referred to as anterior knee pain, is chronic or sudden pain at the front and center point of the knee. Several things can cause front knee pain, including a breakdown of the cartilage tissue, injury, and arthritis.  According to the American Family Physician, approximately 25 percent of adults struggle with knee … Read more

Lateral Knee Pain

Health Report Live can provide seniors with information about the causes of lateral knee pain and potential treatments. By learning more about knee pain, seniors will be better equipped to protect their knees and seek out care when it is needed.  Dealing With Lateral Knee Pain Chronic pain can negatively impact the quality of life.1 … Read more

Knee Pain

Knee pain can be one of the most frustrating ailments to navigate. Knee pain has many different causes, and it results in difficulty moving a part of the body used frequently.  In this article, Health Report Live covers the physiology of the knee, root causes for knee pain, and treatment to help resolve knee pain. … Read more

Knee Pain When Straightening Leg

Several studies offer valuable information about the problem of knee pain that accompanies you straightening your leg. The Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, the Journal of Orthopedic & Sports Physical Therapy, and the federal government site, Medicine Plus, proved the most helpful in understanding the causes of this problem and available treatments. Health Report Live … Read more

Knee Pain at Night

Knee pain can be a nagging nuisance and knee pain at night can be particularly troublesome. Individuals who experience knee pain at night should know several possible causes. Fortunately, there is also a range of treatment plans available, allowing people to get some sleep in the short term and resolve the issue. Health Report Live … Read more

Knee Swelling

The Cleveland Clinic states that knee swelling is typical and is often a symptom of an underlying injury or chronic medical condition. A swollen knee can have many potential causes. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are three significant symptoms of knee swelling. These include knee effusion, a buildup of joint fluid in the knee, … Read more

Knee Pain When Squatting

Knee pain results from an illness or injury that affects the knee. It can involve any part of the knee, including the ligaments and tendons. Non-invasive treatment options are available that promote healing and strengthen the knee. Learn more about squatting and knee pain at Health Report Live. Knee Pain When Squatting Overview Squats are … Read more

Water Therapy for Back Pain

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 58.9% of adults in this country suffer from chronic pain. They state that, of that group, 39% experience pain in their back. There are many therapeutic approaches to managing chronic low back pain. However, water therapy may be one of the most effective. Seniors may … Read more